تحميل كتاب البرمجة النصية بايثون في برنامج الارك Python Scripting for ArcGIS

كوكب المنى فبراير 05, 2021 فبراير 05, 2021
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تحميل كتاب البرمجة النصية بايثون في برنامج الارك Python Scripting for ArcGIS

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تحميل كتاب البرمجة النصية بايثون في برنامج الارك Python Scripting for ArcGIS ، استكمالا لسلسلة تعلم بايثون للمبتدئين learn python نقدم لكم هذه المقالة كتاب البرمجة النصية بايثون في برنامج الارك Python Scripting for ArcGIS من تأليف Pauol A.Zandbergen ومن دار نشر ESRI.

An Intoduction to the Contents of the book Python Scripting for ArcGIS

Using scripting in ArcGIS 

ArcGIS software supports programming languages starting from the release of ArcGIS 9. Examples of these languages are Python, VB Script, Java Script, J Script, Perl. ArcGIS is COM compatible, meaning that the program uses the structure of the COM object model program that is used in many From broad domains. It allows scripting languages to access any functions within ArcGIS as well as its extensions. This makes scripting much more effective and attractive to automate tasks. Although a system language can be used to do this as the C ++ or .NET language.

The Python tool in GIS has become an essential and indispensable tool for broad-based functionality in ArcGIS and workflow automation. Earlier several years, the primary language on which ArcGIS was relying on was the Visual Basic for Application programming language, but that did not make much difference and the Python programming language was relied on from the release of ArcGIS 10, and it became the primary programming language that the program relies on instead of the VBA language on Although application development will continue to employ programming languages ​​such as C ++, .NET, and the Python programming language has a number of advantages, especially for GIS professionals who are not programmed full-time.

The Python programming language is not the only programming language used in ArcGIS, but it has become more widely used. This is due to the fact that the Python programming language is easy to use, in addition to the ability to program Python within the program programming for the entire language. Python Dagl has been developed by ArcGIS for Desktop. Python has also been directly embedded in many tools in ArcGIS for Desktop. The Spatial Statistics toolbox, for example, consists almost entirely of Python scripts — even though the casual user does not necessarily notice (or need to). ArcGIS 10 has seen further integration of Python within the ArcGIS interface, and Esri has officially embraced Python as the preferred scripting tool for working with ArcGIS. Additional enhancements have been introduced in ArcGIS 10.1.

Learning Python language fundamentals

Before getting into Python syntax, it is useful to review where to look for Python documentation. If you installed Python as part of a typical ArcGIS for Desktop installation, you can find the Python manuals by clicking the Start button on the taskbar, and then, on the Start menu, clicking All Programs > ArcGIS > Python 2.7 > Python Manuals. The Python manuals include the complete documentation for the version of Python that is installed on your computer.
 The same Python documentation can also be found online at http://docs.python.org. You will find multiple versions of the document for the various Python versions, including 2.6, 2.7, 3.1, 3.2, etc. You can also download the complete documentation in PDF, HTML, and text formats.

The Python documentation is quite extensive. The PDF version of the Python Library Reference, for example, is over 1,000 pages. This can be rather intimidating if you are just getting started in Python. The documentation, however, is not meant to be read cover to cover. Instead, the documentation is typically used to selectively look up the syntax for specific tasks. This chapter introduces you to the fundamentals of Python, which will give you the basic terminology needed to use the documentation more effectively.

The Python website at http://www.python.org also contains many additional resources to learn Python, including a “Beginner’s Guide to Python” at http://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide and a set of introductory tutorials at http://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/NonProgrammers. You will quickly realize that there is a wealth of resources on Python, created by a large and active user community.

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