تحميل كتاب تعلم برمجة نظم المعلومات الجغرافية على الويب Getting to Know Web GIS

كوكب المنى فبراير 05, 2021 فبراير 05, 2021
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تحميل كتاب تعلم برمجة نظم المعلومات الجغرافية على الويب Getting to Know Web GIS

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تحميل كتاب تعلم برمجة نظم المعلومات الجغرافية على الويب Getting to Know Web GIS ، استكمالا لسلسلة تعلم برمجة GIS نقدم لكم في هذه المقالة كتاب فهم برمجة نظم المعلومات الجغرافية على الويب Getting to Know Web GIS من إعداد ESRI.
Introduction the book Getting to Know Web GIS pdf

Map services and time animation

In the first two chapters, you learned how to create web apps using CSV files, shapefiles, and the ArcGIS Online service. This is a quick and simple way to create web apps using a small amount of data (no more than a couple thousand points or a few hundred lines and polygons). This chapter teaches you how to publish map services and use them to create web apps using both small and large amounts of data. This chapter also teaches you how to enable time on your map service and create web apps with time animation.

Cached map services and comparison web apps 

This chapter teaches you how to use cached map services and a new type of ArcGIS Online web app template. Cached map services are displayed more quickly than dynamic map services and can handle huge amounts of data without losing performance speed. ArcGIS Online comparison web app templates—including side-by-side and swipe/spyglass templates—maximize the effectiveness of comparing multiple web maps or map layers. As you study the contents of this chapter, keep in mind that most of what you learn—whether it is data store registration or web service administration—can be applied to other types of ArcGIS web services as well. For example, you can apply the ArcGIS Online comparison templates to other types of map layers is addition to tiled map service layers.

Feature services and volunteered geographic information

In this chapter, you will learn a new type of web service called feature services. Map services are read-only—that is, you can ask map services to generate maps and perform  queries, but your web clients cannot edit the data behind the map services. Feature services support both read and write functionality. Not only can you visualize a feature service, but you can also update the service’s underlying multiuser geodatabase, including adding, removing, and updating both geometries and attributes. Feature services are especially useful for collecting volunteered geographic information (VGI), sharing editing workflows with web users, and supporting various lines of business.

Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS

The Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS application developer technology allows you to build web apps without programming. It provides more configurable functionalities than any of the other ArcGIS Online web app templates. Web AppBuilder comes with a couple of dozen premad widgets, or tools, that provide functions ranging from mapping, table view, charting, querying, and routing to geoprocessing and more. Built on JavaScript and responsive web design technologies, Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS creates cross-platform apps that work for your desktop, tablet, and mobile devices—without plug-ins. Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS acts as a client for ArcGIS for Server, ArcGIS Online, and Portal for ArcGIS and can display 2D and 3D map services.

Spatial analytics online and geoprocessing services

Web GIS does more than just mapping. Whereas map services and feature services are most commonly used, for serving maps, supporting spatial and attribute queries, and collecting data from their web clients, geoprocessing (GP) services can do even more. They expose the powerful analytic capability of GIS to the web. There are numerous GP services provided by ArcGIS Online for Organizations, available in the map viewer or via ArcGIS API for JavaScript. You can publish your own GP services to your ArcGIS Server for use in various web GIS clients.

Getting started with ArcGIS API for JavaScript

You have learned how to create web applications using ArcGIS Online templates and Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS. These ready-to-use web apps provide a lot of rich functionality, but they may not meet all your project requirements. In such cases, you will need to program your own applications or customize your existing web apps. ArcGIS API for JavaScript provides libraries for you to develop web GIS apps. This chapter gets you started using the JavaScript API, so you will know how to adapt JavaScript samples, add Dojo widgets (or dijits), and debug JavaScript.

Mobile GIS

The proliferation of smartphones and tablets, combined with a fundamental human need for convenience, has brought about a rapid development of GIS technology on mobile devices, making it an important arena for developers. Those who wish to understand mobile GIS should study it in the context of web GIS because the former is becoming an important type of client for the latter. To that end, this chapter introduces three options for building mobile GIS—browser based, native-app based, and hybrid based—and discusses the pros and cons of each. The tutorial sections illustrate the use of the Collector for ArcGIS mobile app for collecting data; ArcGIS API for JavaScript for developing browser-based apps; and ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android for developing native app-based apps.

3D web apps

We live in a 3D world. It makes sense, then, that people would find it easier to understand and explain the world using 3D models. Maps, for example, can articulate so much more by appearing in 3D, and do it easier than in 2D. With this in mind, chapter 10 shows how to create 3D web maps using Esri CityEngine software. You will learn how to create 3D models manually, and do so more efficiently, using 2D GIS data and procedural rules. You will also learn how to publish your 3D models to ArcGIS Online and then view them using web browsers. Although it is not possible to describe the full range of capabilities that a sophisticated desktop product such as CityEngine offers in a single chapter, this chapter covers the basic, essential skills you will need to start creating 3D web maps.

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