التمدد الحضرى لمدينة طلخا باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية والاستشعار عن بعد: دراسة في جغرافية العمران

كوكب الجغرافيا أكتوبر 03, 2019 أكتوبر 03, 2019
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التمدد الحضرى لمدينة طلخا

باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية والاستشعار عن بعد

دراسة في جغرافية العمران

رسالة مقدمة لنيل درجة الدكتوراه في الآداب تخصص جغرافيا

إعداد الطالبة

دعاء محمد إبراهيم علي 

تحت إشراف 

أ.د. مجدي شفيق صقر

أستاذ الجغرافيا البشرية 

كلية الآداب
جامعة المنصورة 

أ.د. محروس إبراهيم المعداوي

أستاذ الجغرافيا الاقتصادية

وعميد كلية الآداب

جامعة دمياط

1439هـ - 2017م

Damietta University 
Faculty of Arts 
Department of Geography 

Urban Sprawl of Talka City

A study in Settlement Geography

Using Geography Systems & The remote Sensing

Thesis submitted for Philosophy Degree of Arts Geography Department

Doaa Mohammad Ibrahim Ali


Prof. Mgdy Shafiq ElsidSaqr 

Professor of Humanity Geography
Faculty of Arts
Mansoura University

Prof.Mahrous Ibrahim Elmadawy

Professor of Economic Geography
& Dean Faculty of Arts
Damietta University


Urban Sprawl of Talka City A study in Settlement Geography Using Geography Systems & The remote Sensing


   The study aims to shed light on the stages of the urban expansion of the city of Talkha in Dakahlia Governorate over a century by studying the stages of urban development and its axes, and studying the factors that motivate this expansion and the problems associated with it. This contributes to solving the planning problems that hinder the city from performing its functions; With a view to achieving the comprehensive spatial development of the entire study area and adjacent urban settlements.

    The study included five chapters preceded by an introduction and followed by a conclusion that includes a set of conclusions and recommendations. The first chapter includes the potential of the geographical location and spatial location characteristics in the city's construction and development. The second chapter reviewed the historical development of the city.

While the third chapter dealt with the complex and the urban fabric over time by studying the composite of the main uses of urban additions, the characteristics of the urban fabric, the quality of the urban fabric in Talkha city and the patterns of the urban expansion plans. The fourth chapter focused on the problems related to urban expansion over time Building systems, weak urban networks between the neighborhoods of Talkha City and the heart of the city on the parties, land and agricultural structures between erosion and deterioration, and the definition of lifestyle in the neighborhoods of the city. 

    The study reached a number of results, the most important of which is the correlation between urban expansion in the city of Talkha with its geographic location and its centrality to the surrounding cities and surrounding villages. The impact of urban expansion and its axes over a century has been the main effect of linear phenomena such as waterways and transport routes in urban extension Where it appeared in the form of linear arms along the axes of transportation and watercourse to the efficiency of the urban content to overcome the problem of expansion on neighboring agricultural lands, especially in the development areas developed by the planners for the year 2027, and activate the articles of Law 119 2008, as amended, NH in 2018. 

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