O2: Research on Geomarketing

كوكب الجغرافيا سبتمبر 28, 2019 سبتمبر 28, 2019
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O2: Research on Geomarketing

Editor : Nikos Lambrinos (AUTh)


Casalino Nunzio

Faherty Ultan

Marques Ana

Mouratidis Antonios

Munoz Nieto Angel Luis

O’Hara Teresa

Pizzolo Giuliana

Prazeres Sergio

Rotrigues Paulo

Silva Marcia


  This deliverable is the publication based on research undertaken before the second meeting of Geomarketing as an Entrepreneurship Tool Project. It is based on literature research and surveys of project participants. It can be considered as the report on Geomarketing Research.

  The publication considers the current needs for the development of Geomarketing for youth employment needs. It examines some of the ongoing methods for research and implementation and explores current needs issues. 

   It consists of 7 chapters. The first chapter is the introduction of the report. It connects the deliverable to the project aims. The second chapter shows the objectives of the publication/report. This is in accordance to the objectives of the project. The third chapter is divided in seven sub-chapters. It starts by giving the definitions of Geomarketing found in the international literature and continues with the places where Geomarketing is/may be used. It continues with the definitions of Location Intelligence and how it is involved in Geomarketing and connects all the above with the expansion of Cloud computing and its role in business creation and development. The chapter ends with the presentation of cases of good practice from the five participating countries. The cases show companies that use geomarketing and how they are benefitting from it. 

   Chapter four is dedicated to Open Data. A very important factor for the evolution of Location Intelligence and Geomarketing. It presents the necessary spatial layers needed for decision making in entrepreneurship.

  The fifth chapter is about the research methods used in Geomarketing. It presents the most frequently used software and the research models and finally presents the questionnaires about Location Intelligence (LI) / GIS application on entrepreneurship and decision-making (number of questions, kind of questions, recipients) as well as the questionnaire about youth unemployment and business creation (from GIS / LI point of view). The chapters ends with a brief analysis of the questionnaires.

   The sixth chapter is about the Focus Group. It presents the report from each partner/country including the members of the Group and how they were chosen as well as the contribution of the Group to the project.
The last chapter, presents the conclusions of this report per country and in total.

  The report ends with an annex with the questionnaires and templates that were used for the integration of the report. 


1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 5
2.0 Publication Objectives.................................................................................................. 5
3.0 Definitions........................................................................................................................... 6
3.1. What is Geomarketing................................................................................................... 6
3.2. Where is it used (sectors of entrepreneurship)............................................................ 7
3.3. What is Location Intelligence ........................................................................................ 8
3.4. How Location Intelligence (LI) is involved in Geomarketing........................................ 8
3.5. The role of Cloud in Geomarketing ............................................................................... 9
3.6. Impact of Geomarketing on Business........................................................................... 9
3.7. Reference on existing Cases of good practice (all cases can be found in Annex 3).... 11
4.0 Open Data collection ........................................................................................................ 12
4.1. Map Layers................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.1 Administration Division according to NUTS.......................................................... 13
4.2. Cartographic layers...................................................................................................... 13
4.3. Demographics.............................................................................................................. 14
4.4. Consumer expenditures .............................................................................................. 15
4.5 Labor force .................................................................................................................... 15
4.6 Other data..................................................................................................................... 15
5.0 Research factors................................................................................................................ 16
5.1. Most frequently used Software .................................................................................. 16
5.2. Research Models used in Geomarketing .................................................................... 16
5.2.1. Buffer zones.......................................................................................................... 16
5.2.2. Location-allocation analysis................................................................................. 17
5.2.3. Origin Destination cost matrix ............................................................................. 18
5.2.4. Service Area analysis............................................................................................ 18
6.0 Focus Group ...................................................................................................................... 18
6.1. Members of the Group................................................................................................ 18
6.2. Contribution of the Focus Group to the project......................................................... 19
6.2.1. Questionnaires per Country (in alphabetical order) ........................................... 20
6.3. Comments on the Focus Group Questionnaire .......................................................... 23
7.0 Conclusions from the analysis of the questionnaire (in total, per country) ............. 33
References used in the Report............................................................................................... 33
Annex 1: References and Web Links by participating country.............................................. 35
Annex 2: i. Focus Group Questionnaire template............................................................. 43
2 ii. Questionnaire in Total and per Country (in alphabetical order)................................ 46
In Total ................................................................................................................................ 46
Per Country ......................................................................................................................... 49
Annex 3: Cases of Good Practice by Country......................................................................... 99

1.0 Introduction 

  Geomarketing and location intelligence concepts can effectively support business creation in optimum locations, thereby allowing any entrepreneur to implement their business ideas and achieve their objectives, as a route out of unemployment.

  In this context, the focus of the “Geomarketing as an Entrepreneurship Tool” (GET UP) project revolves around the:

 creation of geographic relationships among relevant spatial data and learning how to use it as basis to initiate start-up businesses 

 ability to understand and analyze complex phenomena through the use of Geomarketing techniques 

 use of Geomarketing as a management tool, in order to attract investments and businesses

  The present report on “Research on Geomarketing” is a detailed research on Geomarketing and Location Intelligence, undertaken as part of the GET UP project. It is based on literature research and surveys of project participants.

   It initially includes a description of its objectives in chapter two, followed by a brief explanation of core terms and related definitions, based on international references in chapter three. Chapter four focuses on open data collection – from maps to demographics and labor force information. Subsequently, in chapter five, some critical research factors are addressed (software, models used in Geomarketing etc.), while relevant questionnaires and their analysis is also included. Chapter six concerns the reports from focus groups (consisting of experts on Geomarketing) from the countries involved in the GET UP project. In the seventh chapter, the results of a cross Analysis between Research on Entrepreneurship (O1) and Research on Geomarketing (O2) are presented. Finally, the conclusions from the ensemble statistical analysis, as well as per involved country, are drawn in chapter eight.

2.0 Publication Objectives 

  This publication aims to clarify Geomarketing and its related concepts, pinpoint its application to business decisions and identify the data that can be used thereto. The report especially considers the current requirements for the development of Geomarketing for youth employment purposes. It examines some of the ongoing methods for research and implementation and explores contemporary need issues. 

  To this end, it collects and analyses information on updated research concepts regarding Geomarketing and Location Intelligence, its application on business decisions, geographic location optimization for business, as well as how data can be used for business management. It also collects open geospatial data to be used in business analysis, because location intelligence is more than just a map with dots on it; location intelligence could be a full-fledged analytical system.

  The related questionnaires are employed in order to investigate the level of knowledge of the main target group – i.e. unemployed youth – with a view to acquiring useful insights for the development of modules in O3. They also contribute to the analysis of expectations and motivations of young people to become entrepreneurs, as well as their perception of the term “entrepreneur” itself. In this context, the target group preferences on related learning approaches, environments and type of learning activities are also examined. 

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